Hotlines and Support Organizations
State Central Registry (SCR) Child Abuse Hotline: 1-877 NJ ABUSE (1-877-652-2873) - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
For more information on how and when to report child abuse/neglect, visit the State of New Jersey Department of Children and Families (DCF).
New Jersey's System of Care: 877-652-7624 or visit
Bergen County Psychiatric Emergency Screening Program (24/7): 201-262-HELP
National Hopeline Network - Suicide Prevention: 1-800-SUICIDE
Runaway Hotline: 1-800 RUNAWAY
Youth Crisis Hotline: 800-448-4663
United Way Hotline: 2-1-1
Bergen County Department of Health Services: 201-634-2600
Visit the School-Based Mental Health page for more information on mental health resources.