Federated HSA
Federated Home & School Association (Federated HSA) serves as a resource for cooperative efforts among Home & School Associations in the Ridgewood Public Schools. Membership includes all current HSA presidents district-wide; representatives from Ridgewood Public Schools and affiliated organizations; Superintendent of Ridgewood Public Schools; and an executive board of officers who are former HSA presidents.

Federated HSA Meeting Dates 2023-2024

September 21
October 5
November 2
December 7
January 4
February 15
March 7
April 4
May 2*
June 6

Federated HSA meetings begin at 9:15 AM and conclude by 11:15 AM.
Meetings are held at the Education Center, 49 Cottage Place or via Zoom. 

* May 2 - annual Federated HSA Crossing Guard appreciation breakfast. It is also a combined meeting with outgoing and incoming HSA presidents.